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There is no denying that the world we live in today looks vastly different from how society existed even 50 years ago. Ever since the new millennium, people have been testing the boundaries of what is possible and changing the way things have always been. There is no clearer way to see these very real differences than by looking at vintage advertisements from back in the day. Advertisements are the key to understanding what societies looked like, considering that they pinpoint the interests of people at the time. And boy, do we have some really outdated advertisements for you! From comparing women to animals and treating them like second-class citizens, these very real vintage advertisements show what societal expectations were like for women not that long ago…

#1: Who Even Needs Fresh Air?
One of the craziest things about looking at old advertisements is seeing what was “cool” for people at the time. Whether it be related to fashion, food, or gadgets, the world of advertising has also had a stronghold on making people think that they need certain products to fit in society. But there is no part about this ad that looks appealing…

The whole premise of assuming women will do anything just to be considered by a man is so outdated and demeaning. This advertisement claims that all this woman wants is for a man to blow poisonous smoke on her face, and then she will be loyal. Seriously, what kind of backward logic is that?