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It is no secret that many people of color in America live by a set of unwritten rules. It’s like a secret society, where the membership fee is a lifetime of navigating microaggressions and systemic racism. From avoiding eye contact with the police to knowing when it’s time to code switch, these unspoken guidelines are a necessary survival manual for living life as a person of color in America. So grab a seat, buckle up, and prepare to learn all about the unwritten rules POC follow every day.
#1: Out of Pocket
Racial profiling happens in almost every situation, from shopping to police encounters. Statistics show that POC, especially Black individuals, are much more likely to be pulled over, searched, and subjected to police brutality. This is a serious issue, highlighting the ongoing racial profiling problems in all aspects of our society.

It’s important to know our rights when dealing with the police and to stay calm in any encounter. If you’re ever stopped, try to remain respectful and always have a trusted friend or family member on speed dial. No one should have to live in fear of the police, but it’s important to be informed and prepared.