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Friends are people we need throughout our lives, day in and day out. It doesn’t matter how rubbish your day has been; a good friend will always support you throughout your toughest times. However, unfortunately, not all friendships last forever. Sometimes, people drift apart because they move away or live different lives. But, in other relationships, there are bigger reasons for the breakup. In some cases, the ends of these friendships can be as dramatic as a married couple divorcing! Here are some of the most shocking reasons different friends have broken up. What was the craziest reason you have broken up with a friend?

Fish Feeder
There are some people out there who lie for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and they are known as compulsive liars. This friend appears to be one of those people – why did he pretend he would feed the fish if he never had any intention of actually doing so in the first place?!

Did the friend just think that the user would forget about it? Or did he assume that the fish would survive for two weeks without being fed? Technically, this is a form of employing somebody, so the user could report the friend to the police for fraud. I know I would!